Monday, September 19, 2016

The Mukidi Joke

Kim Jong Un, the President of North Korea was making a speech boasts his country.
He said: not only nuke, in the next 10 years, we will make the new invention. It is the outer space team, we will come to the sun.
Heard this, the supporter rapidly cheering up.

Then, a journalist asked him: temperature of the sun is truly hot, so, how can we land into it?
Suddenly, atmosphere were silence.

A few moments later, after Kim Jong Un smoke his cigar several times, and thinking, then he answer: we go there in the nite.
Then, his supporters cheering up again.

Donal Trump, the American presidensial candidate who watching this show in TV, said to his staf: crazy son a bitch! There are no sun in the nite.

In the other place….
Then, Mukidi commented: Trump… He lake of knowledge.. Matahari & Hypermart were opening till midnight